dj djordan
Collective-farm disco(Is not present to war, there is only a World on all Earth)
Djordan Dj ShiFeRDJ VAL - Ignition ( Maxi Version.Eurodance )( Remastering 3. DJ PILULA 2018 2019 )
KANAL DJORDANDast Boot (Dj ShiFeR T.F. project Electro RMX)(Is not present to war, there is only a World on all Earth)
Djordan Dj ShiFeROrbit of a planet of constellation Electronics at number four hundred a zero (Is not present to war, there is only a World on all Earth)
Djordan Dj ShiFeRThe electric category (Is not present to war, there is only a World on all Earth)
Djordan Dj ShiFeRMartik C VS DJ Shabayoff (Eurodace 2022)Shuffle Dance Music Remix ( KANAL DJORDAN 2022)
НеизвестенElectric a bass a wave of Evolution(Is not present to war, there is only a World on all Earth)
Djordan Dj ShiFeRLove of sensation (dancing track) (Is not present to war, there is only a World on all Earth)
Djordan Dj ShiFeR